
Showing posts from December, 2021

Using the Collaboration Space

One of OneNote's really cool features is the collaboration space. The collaboration space can be used for students working on the same document together as a class. As a teacher you have access to work with any student in their notebook but the collaboration space allows for student group work, sharing of information, or anything you see fit. It also works in real time, students can work at the same time and no one has to worry about missing something another student added. I have personally used this for engaging students in activities as students will wait for everyone to have an answer. I also used this for small groups during remote learning. The example below is a warmup I used during our lesson on ratios where students listed their favorite music genre at the same time. One of the neatest things is watching the whole document get filled in simultaneously. Overall, I think it is a fun way to make the only environment more engaging for the students. 

Using the Content Library for Class Notes

 One of the most effective ways I have used OneNote in my classroom is by using the Content Library for classwork. What made OneNote a game changer for me during remote instruction (and currently) is the ability to upload any document I want and write over it. This could be curriculum, external worksheets, or things I create. Once uploaded I am able to write, draw, or input anything for the students to see. With the use of my smartboard this has made the use of an overhead projector obsolete. As you can see below I uploaded the curriculum for the day and put notes the students would need on the side.  For this lesson I uploaded the district curriculum as well as external resource I found. I then added all the notes for the students to copy. What really sets this apart from other options is that the notes I take are all stored in the Content Library for future use. Students are able to refer back when studying or catch up on what we did in class if there are absent. I am also a...